
brown eyes Brown eyes girl

brown eyes Brown eyes girl


brown eyes Brown eyes girl


#有哪些歌曲与音乐你一直喜欢# SHE《恋人未满》欧美原版,听过《Brown Eyes》才知道差距在哪《恋人未满》欧美原版,听过《Brown Eyes》才知道差距在哪 - 今日头条[心]这个英文版的很好听的!一起听好音乐啦[呲牙]

SHE《恋人未满》欧美原版,听过《Brown Eyes》才知道差距在哪欧美音乐101

Mr. Brooke was a grave严肃的, silent young man, with handsome brown棕色的 eyes and a pleasant悦耳的 voice. Meg liked his quiet 文静的manners and considered him a walking行走的 encyclopedia¹百科全书 of useful knowledge.


· 布鲁克先生是个严肃、沉默的年轻人,有一双漂亮的棕色眼睛和悦耳的声音。梅格喜欢他那文静的举止,认为他是一部实用知识的活百科全书。

Whatisyourfavoritecolor?Doyoulikeyellow,orangeandred?Youdo,youmustbea personfullofhopefulhappyfeelingsaboutlife.Doyoulikegrayandblue?Then maybeyouarequiet,andyouwouldrathergoafterthangobefore.Andsometimesyoufeel unhappy.

Ifyoulovegreen,youarestrong-minded.Youwishtodoeverythingwelland wantotherpeopletoseeyouaresuccessful.Atleastthisiswhatpsychologiststell us.Theytellusthatwedon’tchooseourfavoritecoloraswegrowup.Ifyouhappentolove brown,youdidsoassoonasyouopenedyoureyes,oratleastassoonasyoucouldsee clearly.

Ayellowroommakesusfeelhappierandmorecomfortablethanadarkgreenone;andareddressbringswarmthandgladnesstothesaddestwinterdayLightandbright colorsmakepeoplenotonlyhappierbutmoreactive.Itisafactthatfactoryworkerswork better,harder,andhavefewaccidentswhentheirmachinesarepaintedorangerather thanblackordarkgray.Remember,then,thatifyoufeellow,youcanbrightenyourdayor yourlifewithanewshirtornewcolorfulthings.

Rememberalsothatyouwillknowyour friendsbetterwhenyoufindoutwhatcolorstheylikeordislike.Anddon’tforgetthat anyonecanguessalotaboutyourcharacterwhenyouchoosesomethingindifferent colors.





Mrs. Brown was over eighty, but she still drove her old car like a woman half her age. She loved driving very fast and boasted of the fact that she had never, in her thirty-five years of' driving, been punished for a driving offence.

Then one day she nearly lost her record. A police car followed her, and the policeman in it saw her pass a red light without stopping.

When Mrs. Brown came before the judge, he looked at her severely and said that she was too old to drive a car, and that the reason why she had not stopped at the red light was most probably that her eyes had become weak with old age, so that she had simply not seen it.

When the judge had finished what he was saying, Mrs. Brown opened the big handbag she was carrying and took out her sewing. Without saying a word, she chose a needle with a very small eye, and threaded it at her first attempt.

When she had successfully done this, she took the thread out of the needle again and handed both the needle and the thread to the judge, saying, "Now it is your turn. I suppose you drive a car, trod that you have no doubt about your own eyesight."

The judge took the needle and tried to thread it.. After half a dozen attempts, he had still not succeeded. The case against Mrs. Brown was dismissed and her record remained unbroken.
