歌曲:Strawberry Kisses 歌手:Nikki Webster
my way是上面歌曲一开始的部分
I've been missing, wishing, missing your strawberry kisses,
I've been missing, wishing, missing your strawberry kisses.
I've been missing, wishing, missing your strawberry kisses,
I've been missing, wishing, missing your, yeah, yeah.
From the bottom of my heart, boy,
I gotta tell you this,
Since the day we've been apart,
you're the only one I miss.
I'm like a tree with no roots,
I just can't live without you, yeah-yeah.
Thought we were just a summer romance,
nothing but a passing fling,
Seemed my heart had other plans,
now I'm a puppet on a string.
Don't leave me dangling out there,
boy, can't you tell how much I care?
Still see the sunlight in your hair, oh-oh.
I've been missing your strawberry kisses,
Coz nothing's as sweet, and the taste still drives me crazy..
I've been wishing my strawberry kisses,
Will fly through the wind to you, from me.
I've been missing, wishing, missing your strawberry kisses,
I've been missing, wishing, missing your strawberry kisses.
There's no question at all,
boy, your tops on the list,
I'm falling head over toes at the thought of your lips.
I know you're no Cyrano,
can't write those pretty words to show me,
can't write those pretty words to show me,
How you feel deep inside, but oh-oh...
I've been missing your strawberry kisses,
Coz nothing's as sweet,
and the taste still drives me crazy..
I've been wishing my strawberry kisses,
Will fly through the wind to you, from me.
I know what I'll do, once I find you,
you're gonna make me your girl,
You're gonna be mine,
even if I gotta search this whole world.
Strawberry kisses, strawberry kisses, come on, baby, now,
Strawberry kisses, gonna make you mine, oh, oh, oh-oh.
I've been missing your strawberry kisses,
Coz nothing's as sweet,
and the taste still drives me crazy..
I've been wishing my strawberry kisses,
Will fly through the wind to you, from me.
I've been missing your strawberry kisses,
Coz nothing's as sweet,
and the taste still drives me crazy..
I've been wishing my strawberry kisses,
Will fly through the wind to you, from me.
Coz nothing's as sweet,
I've been missing your strawberry kisses,
and the taste still drives me crazy..
I've been wishing my strawberry kisses,
Will fly through the wind to you, from me.
《My Way》是一首欧美著名英文流行曲,旋律源自法国名曲Comme d'habitude(一如往日),法文原版由克罗德·法兰索瓦(Claude François)、雅克·赫霍(Jacques Revaux)及吉尔·提伯(Gilles Thibaut)在1967年共同创作,随后由保罗·安卡(Paul Anka)改编成英文版,1969年首次收录在法兰·仙纳杜拉同名大碟,自此风靡全球。这首歌不但成为仙纳杜拉的代表作,在流行文化上亦常被用作为告别曲,表示一场表演的结束或一个人的离开。这亦是英国最受欢迎的丧礼挽曲。相比英文版哀伤的曲调,法文版的配乐则有忧伤、轻快、或摇滚版本。
My Way以一句"And now, the end is near"(现在快要离别)作开始,讲述一名快将离世的老人。他向身边的朋友回望自己的一生,讲述如何坚强、自信面对人生中的挑战。匆匆岁月中,他为很少事后悔,为自己一生顾昐自豪,走出自己的人生路:
"And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing..." / 现在泪水已干,往事如烟
"To think, I did all that, and may I say, not in a shy way"/ 原来我曾做过这种事,但我不会害羞说
"Oh no, oh no not me, I did it my way" 不,不是我,我只是走我的路
这与法文版Comme d'habitude的歌词截然不同。Claude François创作的原曲讲述一位失去挚爱的恋人,一天醒来发现情人已逝去,他一如往日为她盖被子、也一如往日等著她回来:
"Moi je reviendrai comme d'habitude" / 一如往日,我回家
"Toi, tu seras sortie" / 你却出了门
"Pas encore rentrée comme d'habitude" / 一如往常,还未回来
"Tout seul j'irai me coucher" / 我独个儿去睡
"Dans ce grand lit froid comme d'habitude" / 在这又大又冷的床,一如往日
"Mes larmes, je les cacherai" / 我会藏起眼泪