
38岁最胖女人获真爱 为婚礼能跳舞而减肥

38岁最胖女人获真爱 为婚礼能跳舞而减肥


38岁最胖女人获真爱 为婚礼能跳舞而减肥

An Iowa mother who weighs 765lb is trying to get on a reality TV show because she believes it is the only way to save her life.美国爱荷华州有一位妈妈体重达765磅(约694斤),如今她正努力登上一个电视真人秀节目,因为她认为这是拯救自己的唯一方法。

Charity Pierce, 38, finds moving around so difficult that she is almost house bound, but doctors near her Cedar Rapids home say she must slim down to 500lb before they can give her a gastric band.38岁的夏里蒂·皮尔斯住在美国锡达拉皮兹市。她胖胖的身体行动非常不便、所以呆在家里几乎不出来;但家附近的医生都说,只有皮尔斯减到500磅以下才能给她做束胃带治疗。

Ms Pierce, who is the fattest woman in the world, has developed a medical condition called lymphedema, which has caused a huge swelling on her left leg, she no longer fits easily into a regular car.皮尔斯女士是世界上最胖的女人,她患了淋巴水肿症、导致腿部大面积浮肿。因而,普通的车子是装不下皮尔斯的身体的。

She hopes to be able to lose enough weight to be able to watch her daughter grow up, and also so she can have a dream wedding to her 22-year-old boyfriend, Tony Sauer.她希望自己能够减肥成功,看着女儿长大;同时她也能和自己22岁的男朋友托尼·萨奥尔举办一场梦寐以求的婚礼了。

'I'm determined not to have to get married at home. I want to be able to walk up the aisle,' Ms Pierce told Best magazine.我下定决心不在自己家房子里结婚,我想亲自走上婚礼的红毯。皮尔斯女士对Best杂志记者说道。

'I plan to wear a wedding dress, cowboy boots and a cowgirl hat ... I want to dance all night.'婚纱礼服、牛仔靴、牛仔帽我想把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的,我要尽情跳舞彻夜狂欢。

Ms Pierce says she has always been on the larger size, but her weight problem became worse after developing lymphedema, which blocks the lymphatic system and causes swelling.皮尔斯女士说自己的体型一直是大号的,但患上淋巴性水肿之后肥胖问题愈发严重了,致使她的淋巴系统阻塞、身体浮肿。

Ms Pierce is trying to lose weight and is on a limited 1,200-calorie a day diet and does physical therapy twice a day.皮尔斯女士正努力减肥,她每天吃的食物热量控制在1200卡路里以内,同时每日进行两次物理疗法治疗。

'It's a very long road, but I'm going to get there,' Ms Pierce said.漫漫减肥之路任重而道远,但我依然会勇敢前行! 皮尔斯女士说道。